Hibou is the lead mare of the herd. She is a 16 year old grey Arab. She is affectionately known as the our "Anahata horse"or "the horse with a heart", as she has a perfectly shaped
heart marking on her
end. Hibou is the French word for Owl. She has transformed from a wild, aggressive and distrustful demeanor on her arrival to that of a strong, sensitive and deeply caring horse.
Raven a 13 year old Quarter Horse cross, is the lead gelding of the herd. He carries "black horse wisdom" and is a gifted shaman and healer. He and Koko were rescues from the slaughter house.
Koko is a 12 year old sooty brown Quarter Horse gelding. He is very much the trickster and joker. This goofy face occurred spontaneously from him as I was wishing I had a photo of a horse making funny faces.
Caribou is a beautiful 9 year old Paso Fino gelding. He loves to play and will turn anything into a great game of fun. His favorite game is taking the key out of the ignition of the ATV or tractor.
Bob is a 18 year old Quarter Horse gelding. He loves playing and swimming in water as well as giving and receiving hugs. He enjoys and even insists on being involved in the training of the other horses.
Naomi is a 12 year old Miniature Horse mare with a lot of hair. She loves people, especially children. Not to be underestimated by her small size, she invokes powerful emotions and deep transformation within people.
Bella Satori
Bella is an 11 year old Quarter Horse mare. She adores the healing work with humans so much so that we changed her name from Bella to Bella Satori to reflect her healing nature. Satori is the Japanese word for insight or
Velvet is a 16 year old Hackney Pony who demands total freedom. Through her freedom she in turn provides a sense of playfulness, love, trust and nurturing.
Diamond is a 9 year old Quarter Horse. When Diamond initially arrived at AHC she was too wounded emotionally to facilitate healing work with people. She has changed remarkably and is now an emotionally strong and a
deeply caring horse
who loves to do the FEEL work.
Merlin is an 10 year old Hanoverian Thoroughbred gelding. Merlin is a graceful, strong and kind horse who loves to learn. He embraced the FEEL work fully since his arrival in the spring of 2011. |
Zahara is a confident, insightful 7 year old Paso Fino mare. She comes from a lineage of FEEL horses who work at liberty with humans. She loves life as well as guiding and helping others freely.
Kota is a 7 year old Quarter Horse gelding. He spent the first four years of his life in a stall prior to arriving at Anahata Horse Centre in the spring of 2011. He is enjoying learning to be a horse and a free spirit.
Molly Molly is a 10 year old Standard Bred who joined our herd in February 2012. She is an
off the track pacer
with great gratitude for her new life. She is endlessly loving, patient and wise. Molly is that perfect horse you dream of who always keeps you safe and can trail ride anywhere with you happily and alone, even on busy roads.
Walker Walker is a 23 year old Tennessee Walker. She was a western gaming horse for
most of her life. She
joined our herd in June 2012 tired and was struggling severely with the heaves. The sparkle has returned to her eye and she is breathing easier after receiving herbal cleanses, many CranioSacral treatments and roaming on
fresh pasture. She is a
radiant and beautiful addition to our herd.
Blazer Blazer is a 19 year old Clydesdale Quarter Horse cross. He is stunningly handsome,
adorable and
lovable. He is a wise horse with a deep understanding and caring for humans. He is a joy to be with at all times.
Daisy is extremely patient, affectionate and deeply caring. She loves to chase away the wolves at night and can sometimes be heard bellowing off in the distance in the middle of the night. |
Jacquie is shy around people. She has transformed from once being a dog and cat "killer" to peacefully laying by their side sharing a special moment together on a warm sunny day.
Horse Ancestors
Rusty has earned his wings! He became a horse ancestor after over 36 years of being a horse here on earth. In many ways we feel his presence more deeply as a horse ancestor. He lives in our hearts forever.
Axel is now enjoying his time with Rusty as a horse ancestor. He was a noble character with a strong heart and immense compassion. He had performed dressage, eventing, jumping and racing. He ended his years as a
magnificent therapy horse
at Anahata Horse centre. We are honoured to have had him here with us during his last years.
Wild Elkie
Affectionately known as "Elkie", she is our resident lone elk. She has joined our herd of horses and resides with them year round. For those who wish to connect with her, she is a willing and insightful teacher.
Dali Llama
Dali arrived with Sniffy the goat at the end of November 2012. She is 7 year old llama who had never been wormed, sheared or had her feet trimmed. She is enjoying her new life and has decided that humans are alright after
Ginger, Limerick, Soprano, Magic, Bambi, Diego, Geronimo, Sniffy and Nanook the livestock guardian angel and honorary goat.
Farley Named because he goes far and lea. Farley is an affectionate character who loves to play
and run. His favorite
game is running to the top of our highest hill and running down as fast as he can go - over and over again.
The dogs - Sporting their Muttluks!
Photo: From Left to right
Chief: A 3-legged German Sheppard.
Nanook: An Akbash/Meremma cross at three months old.
Kasmira: A white Sheppard.
Rocky AKA Rocky Azlan. A very special kind soul.
Tangerine She looks like a cat but based on her wacky personality
we're not actually
what she is.
Cupcake Mysteriously showed up in our barn one morning. The barn is no place for her.
She is
definitely a house cat through and through.
Alice Alice is our sole barn cat due to the fact that she will not tolerate any other
felines in her barn!
On the
other hand, she sat on my hands and "helped" while I was giving a healing treatment to one of the pigs.